Thursday, January 13, 2011

things you'd hear...........

if you were at our house as we scurry out the door

"Nobody trusts me!!" {insert crying}

"I don't have any clean socks."


"I only have 2 pair"
{so NOT true}

"I'm getting sick of {insert younger siblings name} using my stuff w/o asking!"
{that was in a whiny, cry}

"Turn off the lights upstairs."

"Turn off the lights downstairs."

"We have to go.....why don't you have your socks, shirt, shoes OR coat on?"

"Where are the babies hats?"

"Hurry, we gotta go!!"

"Come on, get in!!"

All of which were NOT said in an inside voice!!

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Did you know that isn't a word yet? Well it should be. It probably will.....I mean if bootylicious is a word, couponing should definitely be a word, seriously.
Couponing is now what I do in my spare time. Its my work. Its how I save my family money, or buy the things I wouldn't normally be able to. I'm on the blogs, checking out the best deals and seeing what store is the best to go to!! I have a few favorite ones and this one is one I frequent. I love watching their youtube videos and love surfing their site!! Those gals are helpful in other areas. The have great ideas, links and recipes!!
I hope you go and check them'll be glad you did {and you'll learn something, too ;)}

Friday, January 7, 2011


It's so interesting how life works. And what seems so simple for some, just isn't for others. I think most of my adult life {for me that began at 16, I wasn't the 'typical' teen mom, once I was a mom, that was it} has been a kind of transitioning. I'm always learning, growing, changing, adding, subtracting and researching. I have gone through many facets of beliefs as far as parenting goes. For some its cut throat, for me its been evolving. We've done private school, public school, homeschool, and unschool. We done attachment parenting, for Christians, this is grace-based parenting.  We have also been hardcore at times, 'these are the rules, do as we say' and then we had to find a middle ground. A ground that works for us. Some things we won't wither. Some things.....they need to learn on their own.

I think there are seasons to life. It seems our seasons are always changing.

We used to homeschool all 5 of our older children. It was truly an awesome experience. For the most part, I loved it. I was truly a pro-homeschooler. I thought {through alot of prayer and seeking God's will for them/us} it was the best for our kids. We were close.

I had to go to work---retail. No steady schedule. We couldn't go to homeschool pe @ the Y and we couldn't do homeschool co-op {that we loved} anymore. We decided to put the kids in our local public elementary school. It was weird. Overwhelming. Hard. Some of the kids struggled in some areas. They {generalizing} haven't ever been great test takers. {even when Ari & Amia went to elementary school in the beginning years}

We tried to get in the flow of things. Many things were new to working, what started out as part time ended up being full time.....and while it was needed financially, sacrifices were made. We missed how things used to be, and most of us wanted it back. Avery in particular. He would occasionally ask to be homeschooled. Actually I think they all have at one time or another. I think more that anything we wanted the closeness back. On many occasions, I was told how close my kids were in school. How when they saw each other in the hall ways, they would hug each other, or quietly wave. Or how they could just tell there was something about them. They loved each other and weren't 'normal' kids. They were nice kids.....and they are. But, in my opinion, some things have changed. They saw things that parents don't want their kids learning about, like EVER, but at least until their teen years. They heard vulger language and how rudely other kids talked to each other. They learned about mean girls.....among other things. Now, I'm not saying I wanted my kids to live in a bubble. But these things weren't our everyday normal. It took some getting used to.....and some things, should you ever have to get used to?! We did sports, and homeschool pe, co-op, and the Y and dance classes and church and Awana....they had friends....they encountered those situations before, just not

Fast-forward 4 years~

The 3 older children go to public school. Avery, virtual academy (online, technically public school) and Alaina homeschools.
We moved from our neighborhood. school. friends. All the things I've been fighting, I now miss. I've been missing. I knew in my heart they {Av&La} were too, even though, when I ask them, they deny it. Its human nature. Change is hard. And we miss what once was.......even if it wasn't the best.....or even if it was.

Avery just told me he wants to go back to his old school.

I don't even know if its possible. Or if we are going to allow him to. Its brought forth so much emotion inside.....ok, outside too......since I've been crying and all!! I feel bad for him. I feel terrible that his expectations weren't met.  What he had wanted all these years, wasn't what he received. That he misses his friends, his community, his school. I understand. Because I do too. Change is hard {yes, I know I already said that.}
I wish I could have been able to enroll them in co-op or the Y for PE. Maybe it would've been different......maybe not. But now I'm faced with this, AGAIN for like the 50millionthtrillionth time. And its hard. I don't want to fail. I want to prove all those naysayers WRONG {immature, I know.....but its the truth} and all those who are waiting for me to fail us.

I started writing this post on Thursday. I wrote the end of  that last night......among tears. It can be so hard to have the people who are supposed to support you the most, not. But today I'm free. Free from worrying about everyone else. Free from wanting to prove everyone wrong. Free from embarrassment or shame. Free to make decisions for my family w/ my husband and God. I spent alot of time with God this morning and today I have freedom to make the right decision for MY son. Today, I can recognize all those things as I explained before. They are all there, those thoughts and feelings. But they don't bring the sadness they did before. And if, through prayer, we decide that going back to school is the right decision for US.......then I HAVEN'T all. And there is freedom in that. And that makes me smile.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

big shoes to fill

twentyten part2

Well it is the NEW YEAR!! Welcome twentyeleven!!

Like I said June was a busy month. It so was. Here goes....
School ending. It was a tough end of the year for me. Field day. This was a big end of the year for us. Ariana graduated 8th grade and AJ graduated 5th. Both of them heading to a new and bigger schools. With new teachers and new kids and new classrooms and new hallways to get lost in. Then theres the graduation ceremonies and award assemblies{x5!!} I went to the elementary school to take pictures a few times. I knew it was going to be the last year there. I wanted pictures. It was so weird when I picked them up the last day. AJ had a bag full of his things and he was no longer and elementary student. I've done this twice before, every time......its exciting and sad all at the same time. So we head out and we did something special the first day.....I can't remember....slurpees or ice cream. And then the next weeks were full. Farmers markets. Walking downtown. Waterparks. Children's Museum. Taste of Tacoma AND the zoo {that was an exhausting day!!} We had Avery and Alaina's joint birthday party. Pool days. Crafts. Picnics. Antwone's Bday. Ice cream trucks. And then of course the excitement of the beginning of summer......
Another busy month....but then when isn't life ever busy?? Ari's first season of soccer. The anticipation of school ending. This year {and others in past} seemed like all the teachers waited until May to have field trips all around the same time. Some classed multiple ones. It was crazy busy and crazy expensive....My ggma visited. We tried to live it up for her because this woman doesn't quit. She shops and shops and shops. We ALL went to get pedi's. That was nice. 5 generation pictures. egg drop. Extended family bbq's and get togethers. Owens beach. Ava's first pigtails. End of school bbq. bare feet babies.
BIG month!! Big time!! Lani turned 8{and I still haven't gotten use to that idea} cupcakes. boys basketball. Grand Prix.....the kids did great!! Avery takes competition a little serious. This was a fun day! AJ went to 5th grade science camp!! He had the greatest time. It was so hard to let him go for a entire week......without talking to him. But we knew he would have an amazing time. He did. I carpooled with a few other moms for a display of all the funness and boy, did I leave with a headache. When he was leaving to go.....he was so annoyed with the momarazzi.....aka camera in his face!! Then we went to The Great Wolf Lodge. That place is just awesome. It was our Christmas gift from my gparents and it was perfect {we're going again, and just can't wait}
This is the month I was born. The last 3 years I have fought getting older. This year I have decided to welcome my birthday......I am. It should be celebrated, right?? Then I made the mistake choice to get married 2 days after my birthday {girls-DON'T DO THIS ;)} So, its the month of my anniversary, too!!! And Easter.....we had a nice Easter and the kids sang at church. Lovely. We enjoyed the beginning of springtime. We went on walks often.
Ava and Aiden turned ONE. This was an anticipated date for us!! As much as we {I} would {love} to freeze time and for them to stay warm, snugly, cuddly babies......the inevitable had to happen. I think for parents of multiples, at least for us, and others I can't wait for them to be one, all the while trying to enjoy every exhausting, sleepless moment. I had heard from other parents of multiples, "just wait til they are a year" OR "it gets easier when they are one!!" Well, for me it didn't get easier, just different. {And I can't believe they will be TWO next month!!} W, have 3 birthdays in February now. Ariana, our oldest also turned 14!! I know I sound like a broken record, but how did this happen?? I enjoyed a field trip with Avery's class to the Pacific Science Center. I got stuck with 6 boys. ;);) We had a great time. His friends kept asking when I 'd be coming back......and they next field trip they were begging for Avery's mom! the older 2 girls had science experiments. I went with them for the judging of the experiments {we had a huge fight that night, I can't remember what it was about, but I remember saying to them that they are ungrateful for all I do. I so badly wanted to make them walk. I didn't though, of course.}
I unfortunately cannot recall much from last January. I know we had AJ's birthday party almost 2 months late. And that it was a bunch of fun. I remember I wasn't sleeping a full night.....hahaha!! But really, that's about it. Which is why I am so glad I am blogging now.

I am looking forward to this next year.
I am excited to see how God will use our family.
I am joyful when I see how much my oldest is growing in the Lord.
I am looking forward to serving Jesus.
I am excited to seek Him first.

Until next time.........